From The Pastor's Pen

The Holidays

Why? Why are the holidays among the most difficult times of year for many people? Depression, debt, suicide—some are separated from family and friends and loneliness is endemic. What’s a Christian to do?

Give. That’s right. Give.
Giving is God’s idea.

John 3:16 tells us the true meaning of Christmas:

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
God’s idea for the darkness of sin, the heartbreak of poverty, brokenness, ruin, despair, was to give His Son Jesus—who came bringing Good News, Life, the Love of God, Forgiveness, Peace, Hope, and Love.. And that’s what we can do for others.

This holiday season, look for the needy, and then ask Jesus to help you give His love away in such a way that it meets the deepest felt needs of life. Bless your friends and family; give to the needy who cannot return. Donate extra to your church to feed the hungry; give to the Salvation Army, the Union Gospel Mission, and other worthwhile organizations that take care of the homeless and lonely in your stead. Support your local church and Pastor/leaders who minister to the needs of others—who spread the Gospel and Good News of Jesus. Lift up your voice and sing heartily this Christmas season and never be ashamed that Christ is THE reason for Christmas.

Let Love Be Your Aim. That’s the Lord’s way of telling us that Love is what Hits the Mark. When you aim the arrows of your efforts toward the bulleyes of life, remember, with people, with friends, with family, with strangers, with the satisfied and the needy, let Love Be Your Aim. Give the LOVE of Jesus to people this Christmas.

Then the question “Why” will be shown to have an answer-Jesus Himself, the Love of God, loving Jesus and Loving Each Other.

Merry Christmas and we wish you the very best of the Holiday season.

Pastor Kevin Hunter, Pastor Sherri Barden, and all of Door of Grace Ministries.

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