Messages - 2009




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12-27-09 Psalm 146: 1-10 - Pastor Sherri Barden 

"4 Points in Life, Battles, Baggage and Boobos" Mark 1: 18-25 - Pastor Phil Vance

12-20-09 Psalm 139:17-18 - Pastor Sherri Barden 

Do You Need Him? Mark 1: 18-25 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

  Community Christmas Program - 6:30PM - Does God Care? Luke 2: 1-17 Pastor Kevin Hunter

12-14-09 Psalm 132:13-18 - Pastor Sherri Barden 

Mary's Devotion Luke 1:30-49 - Pastor Kevin Hunter


Evangelist Pastor & Teacher- Part 12 -  Gifts of the Spirit  Eph 4:11-16 - Pastor Kevin Hunter


How to Flow in the Spirit - Part 11 -  Gifts of the Spirit  Eph 4:11-16 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

  Followup to the Message

11-22-09 Psalm 119:29-32 - Pastor Sherri Barden 

Birth Pangs - Pastor Karl Barden

11-15-09 Psalm 113:9 - Pastor Sherri Barden 

Prophets & Prophetic People - Part 10 -  Gifts of the Spirit  Eph 4:11-16 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

11-08-09 Psalm 106:48 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  Communion Service - Pastor Karl Barden 

Time to be Right with God - Part 9 -  Gifts of the Spirit  Amos 3:7 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

11-01-09 Psalm 104:33-34 - Pastor Sherri Barden 

Of Gifts, Discernment and Apostles - Part 8 -  Gifts of the Spirit - Eph 4:11-16 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

10-25-09 Psalm 95:1-3 - Pastor Sherri Barden 

Remember - Hebrews 5:12-6:3 - Pastor Karl Barden

10-18-09 Psalm 89:1-4 - Pastor Sherri Barden 

Spiritual Gifts - Part 7 -  Gifts of the Spirit - 1 Cor 12 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

10-11-09 Psalm 81:1-2 - Pastor Sherri Barden 

The Ministry of the Apostle - Part 6 -  Gifts of the Spirit - Ephesians 4:11-16 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

10-04-09 Phil 4:4 - Pastor Sherri Barden 

Don't Quench the Spirit - Part 5 -  Gifts of the Spirit - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-21 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

09-27-09 Psalm 30,31,35 & 36 - Pastor Sherri Barden 

God Gave Gifts  - Part 4 - Gifts of the Spirit -Ephesians 4:8-16 (NKJV),  Pastor Kevin Hunter

09-20-09 Psalm 64:10 - Pastor Sherri Barden 

The Holy Spirit Speaks - Part 3 - Gifts of the Spirit -1 Kings 19:11-13,  Pastor Kevin Hunter

09-13-09 Psalm 57 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  Impossible Dream - Genesis 15:1-6,  Christopher Hunter

09-06-09 Psalm 50:23- Pastor Sherri Barden 
  The Comforter is Here - Part 2 - Gifts of the Spirit  - John 14:15-31,  Pastor Kevin Hunter

08-30-09 Psalm 44:8- Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "Eye has not Seen" - Part 1 - Gifts of the Spirit - 1 Corinthians 2 ,  Pastor Kevin Hunter
  Evelyn Nelson -  99th Birthday & Homegoing Celebration and Slideshow

08-23-09 ! Cor 15:56-57- Pastor Sherri Barden 
   "For Such a Time as This"- Book of Esther,  Pastor Kevin Hunter

08-16-09 Psalm 34: misc verses - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "Nehemiah Builds A Wall"- 2 Chronicles 33:15-19,  Pastor Kevin Hunter

08-09-09  "Ezra's Efforts"- Ezra 7: 6-10,  Pastor Kevin Hunter

08-02-09  "Manasseh Makes A Choice"- 2 Chronicles 33:15-19,  Pastor Kevin Hunter

07-26-09 "Finish the Game" -  2 Chronicles 14:1-14 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

07-19-09  Psalm 16:1-11- Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "From Problem to Praise" -  Habakkuk - Pastor Kevin Hunter

07-12-09 Psalm 9:14 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  Gideon Presentation - Carl Wells

07-05-09 Psalm 5:11-12 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "Arise, Shine" -  isaiah 60:19-20 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

06-28-09 Psalm 146:1-2 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "Let Liberty Bells Ring" -  isaiah 61:1 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

06-21-09 Psalm 139:14 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "Men at the Gates" - Pastor Kevin Hunter

06-14-09 Psalm 132: 13-14 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "End Times" -  1 Thes 5:1-28 - Pastor Kari Vance

06-07-09 Psalm 125:1 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "And It Came To Pass - Pastor Kevin Hunter

05-31-09 Psalm 119:129-130 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "Whats's Your Story?" -  Nehemiah 9:1-31 - Pastor David Kobelin

05-24-09 Psalm 119:17-32 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "OBED-EDOM's Suprise" -  2 Sam. 6:1-16, Pastor Kevin Hunter

05-17-09 Psalm 113:1-6 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "Bridges of Destiny" -  Luke 14:27-30, Pastor Kevin Hunter

05-10-09 Psalm 106:48 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  GCC Quartet singing "Trust and Obey" 
  Communion Service - 1 Cor 11:23- Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "Mothers in Israel" -  1 Sam 1, Pastor Kevin Hunter

05-03-09 Psalm 104:1 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "Nicodemus From Night to Light" -  John 3:1-21, Pastor Kevin Hunter

04-26-09 Psalm 95:1 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "Seek Him First" -  Luke 12:19-34, Pastor Kevin Hunter

04-19-09 Psalm 87:5-7 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "The Day of the Lord" -  Isaiah 2:6, Acts 2:20-21, Pastor Ward Correll

04-12-09 Psalm 150:6 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "Its a New Day" Easter Sunday- Mark 16:1-20 - Pastor Kevin Hunter
04-10 -09 "Joint Good Friday Service" at Port Ludlow Community Church

04-05-09 Zech 9:9 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "Mark in Motion" Part 6 - "From Transfiguration to Triumphant Entry" -  Mark 9 & 11 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

03-29-09 Psalm 70:4 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "Mark in Motion" Part 5 - "Unconditional Love" -  Mark 14 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

03-22-09 Psalm 65:3-4 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "The Remnant" -  Isaiah 40:21- Pastor Karl Barden

03-15-09 Psalm 57:8-11 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "A Prophetic Warning" - from David Wilkerson, by Pastor Kevin Hunter
  "Mark in Motion" Part 4- Mark 6:30-44    Pastor Kevin Hunter

03-07-09 Psalm 51:14-15 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "Don't Hide Your Face" -  Pastor Ward Correll

03-01-09 Mark 10:27 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "Mark in Motion" Part 3- Mark 5:1-4    Pastor Kevin Hunter

02-22-09 Psalm 39:7 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "Mark in Motion" Part 2- Mark 4:35-41    Pastor Kevin Hunter

02-15-09 "Mark in Motion" Part 1- Mark 1:1-8    Pastor Kevin Hunter

02-08-09 Psalm 31:7 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  Communion Prayer
  "Genuine Christianity"- Part 3  John 5: - Pastor Kevin Hunter

02-01-09 Psalm 26: 6-8 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  "Genuine Christianity" Part 2- John 12:24-25    Pastor Kevin Hunter

01-25-09 "Genuine Christianity" Part 1- John 12:24-25    Pastor Kevin Hunter

01-18-09 Psalm 16:9-11 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  Communion Prayer
  "Church Let Us Pray"-  Pastor Kevin Hunter

Graham and Pamela Truscott, Days of Restoration

01-11-09 Psalm 16:1- Pastor Sherri Barden 
  The Testimony of Pamela" -  Pastors Graham and Pamela Truscott

01-10-09 "Declaring the Grace of God, the Frustration of the Incomplete"-  Pastors Graham and Pamela Truscott

01-09-09 The Restoration of All Things - Part 1 - Pastor Pamela Truscott
  The Restoration of All Things - Part 2 - Pastor Graham Truscott
01-04-09 Psalm 4:3-4 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
   "God's Rainbow"-  Genesis 9:11-17 -  Pastor Kevin Hunter

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