MESSAGES - 2021 |
12-25-2021 |
Pastors Kevin & Sherri Hunter invite you to join them as we
journey with Jesus and Paul to Philippians 3. As we end 2021 and
look forward to a new year, let's do so with expectancy and
vibrant faith - FORWARD
12-24-2021 |
Christmas Eve
- Join in Father God's celebration of the birth of His Son
Jesus, in Scripture and song. Pastors Kevin & Sherri invite you
to come be with them on
One Christmas Night.
12-19-2021 |
As we celebrate the Christmas season, in this Advent week 4, we
celebrate God's love to us in Jesus. Pastor Kevin invites you,
with him, to Choose Love. |
12-12-2021 |
Let us
celebrate how MUCH our Lord loves us--and how He does above and
beyond all we ask or think. Pastor Kevin invites you to
celebrate Contagious Joy!
12-05-2021 |
Pastor Kevin
Hunter - Everyone wants peace but few have it.
Jesus is our Prince of
Peace - find out more about what that means for your life
11-28-2021 |
Pastor Kevin Hunter - As the aged Apostle John seeks the Lord on
the barren isle of Patmos, Jesus brings LIFE from the barren
place and brings incredible revelation of Himself. He is with us
in the barren places. Let's find out more, in "It's
All About Jesus."
11-21-2021 |
Pastor Jon Engstrom from Christ the Rock Fellowship, Lynnwood,
WA, brings a superb message about how
God helps us with our
Heart Condition--the main determiner of all of our life.
Find out how much God loves us and how we learn to love Him and
serve others. |
11-14-2021 |
Pastor - Chaplain Joseph Guerra,
Jesus and His Compassion.
Pastor Joseph expresses the depth of the compassion of
Jesus--and how He ministers deeply and compassionately to each
of us. (Some of the ending of this online message was lost
due to a bad recording)
11-7-2021 |
Pastor Sherri leads us into worshiping Jesus, with fresh
insights from Psalm 146:1
& 2. |
Pastor Kevin journeys with Jesus to Mark 12:38-44 , as we see a
widow offering all she had. Jesus teaches us from her life how
to go all-in, and in relationship with Him,
to Give All. |
10-31-2021 |
Pastor Sherri shares fresh insights from
Psalm 119:2-3 and
inspires us in worship
Pastor Kevin helps us
discover more about our High Priest, our Mediator, the Final
Sacrifice for sin, and the One who makes us Completely Clean by
His blood--our Lord Jesus. Come enjoy the journey and find
out more about what He's done for you.
Hebrews 9:11-15 |
10-24-2021 |
Pastor Sherri leads us to hearing the heart of Father God
through Psalm 126:6 -
and as we hear, we are inspired to worship Him. |
Pastor Kevin continues to journey with Jesus with
Mark 10:46-52
and Commotion Motion - this
time to hear and see Him heal a blind beggar named
Bartimaeus. And we see how He ministers to us--to
you--today. We invite you to come
enjoy the journey.
10-17-2021 |
Pastor Sherri continues to inspire and draw us into
worshiping Jesus with her passionate insights from the
Scriptures--where we discover intimate relationship with God.
Today, from Psalm 91:14. |
Living Your New Creation
attached) David Kobelin, Pastor and Identity Restoration
Specialist at ClarityCoach, brings a powerful and practical
message, helping each of us clarify and identify next action
steps to fulfill our destiny in the Lord. |
10-10-2021 |
Brother Joseph Guerra, long time military leader and chaplain,
brings a powerful message,
"Follow the Colors"--
and he asks each of us--who will rise up to Carry the Colors, as
we pour out our lives in surrender to our Lord. Come on the
journey with Bro Joseph |
10-03-2021 |
Pastor Sherri continues her journey through the Psalms and
teaches us about worshiping Jesus—today, from
Psalm 8. |
We See Jesus -
Hebrews 1 & 2 - Pastor Kevin continues to journey through the
Scriptures. Today, We See Jesus, Who is so worthy ofour praise,
love and adoration. We thank Him for all He has done for EACH of
us! |
09-26-2021 |
Come journey with Pastors Kevin & Sherri as they follow Jesus
into Psalm 19 and Numbers 10-11. We discover more about how to
be followers of Jesus, in
Complaining or Crying Out. |
09-19-2021 |
Pastor Sherri continues to inspire us in deep relationship with
Jesus in this devotion on
Psalm 54:6. Enjoy! |
Pastor Kevin journeys with Jesus and his brother James, to
discover if the fruit of our lives demonstrates our genuine
Christianity. Come find out more with
Your Faith Fruit is
Showing. |
09-12-2021 |
Psalm 85:8-9 - God's
glory hovers over those who love Him. Pastor Sherri gives rich
insights from the Psalms into our intimate relationship with our
loving God. Enjoy! |
Matthew 4:18-25, 1 Samuel 16 & 17 - Jesus Followers - Pastor
Kevin Hunter
continues the journey through the Scriptures to see the depth of
Jesus' calling on our lives: not just as "believers" but as
FOLLOWERS. Come find
out more.
09-05-2021 |
Psalm 146:1-2 -- Pastor
Sherri joyfully leads us to understanding and partaking of
the "sandwhich" of Psalm 146. Come enjoy
Pastor Kevin
Facing Forward -
The calling of Jesus to Follow Him involves every part of
our being - full hearted commitment and surrender. But, on this
journey, we are surrounded by a GREAT Company of saints -
cheering for us. Come find out more. |
08-29-2021 |
Pastor Sherri reminds us how
Jesus watches over us--especially
in the times when we are most needy. Listen, and be encouraged.
Robert Lunsford expresses the heart of Jesus in the Feeding of
the 5000 --
Not Just Another Meal
and how He and the disciples kept their bond of relationship.
Come journey with him as we hear how Jesus calls us to walk in
the same way today. |
08-22-2021 |
Pastor Sherri continues to journey through the Psalms and
invites you to stop with her at
Psalm 34:18--where we
see how God is close to the Brokenhearted. |
Pastor Kevin tells us we are to see HIM in the Scriptures.
Pastor Kevin journeys to
Joshua 22, as we see the realities of assumption and
division that is happening in relational chaos in our world
today--and how, instead, Jesus wants us to be ministers of
reconciliation. Together, let's glean insights that will change
our lives
08-15-2021 |
Pastor Sherri helps us see God's heart for us as His
followers--and how we can worship Him at all times! Psalm
Pastor Kevin follows Jesus to a well
in Samaria, where Jesus ministers to a needy woman--and changes
our lives in the process. Discover God's calling for us to
drink the LIVING WATERS of the Spirit, and to be worshippers
of our Father God. Come enjoy the journey.
08-08-2021 |
Pastor Sherri shares the passionate heart behind blessing God
with praise at every opportunity in every circumstance.
Come journey with her as
we look at Psalm 34.
Pastor Kevin invites you to follow Jesus with him, as
Jesus teaches us how to
pray The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13). On this journey, we
discover how He is our Living Bread.
08-07-2021 |
Grace Christian Center joins the Larson family in the
Celebration of Life
service for Paula
08-01-2021 |
Pastor Sherri inspires us into worshipping Jesus as we take a
look at one of the most precious Scriptures:
Psalm 73:28, "As for
me I get as close to Him as I can." And Pastor David Kobelin
shares a song he's written based on this Scripture--come enjoy!
Pastor David Kobelin shares
his heart and insights about the Eucharist, the Celebration
of Communion, and our need to forgive and be forgiven. Come
enjoy this very special time of sacramental celebration at Grace
Christian Center.
Jesus' Story intersects with our story--and we find the
Lord of love and life.
Let's pray and go share Him with everyone around us. Come find
out more...
07-25-2021 |
Pastor Sherri continues to lead us to Jesus in the Psalms. Today,
we are inspired into worship as she teaches from
Psalm 145. Enjoy!
Pastor Kevin continues to follow Jesus in the Scriptures--this
time into John 6, as Jesus teaches His disciples how to trust
Him--no matter the circumstances. And He works with us as His
followers to look beyond the natural--to HIM. Come with us on
this journey to see What
Do the Signs Say?
07-18-2021 |
Psalm 23: 1,6 -
Pastor Sherri continues to inspire us to worship God with her
teaching from the Psalms. Today, come with her as she looks at
Psalm 23--the Shepherd's
Psalm--and how the Lord is our Best Friend and Shepherd.
Sheep Matter -
Pastor Kevin invites you to journey with him as we follow Jesus
in Luke 15--where He teaches about the lost sheep. God loves His
sheep and wants them cared for. Come find out more.
07-11-2021 |
Psalm 85:8-9
God's glory hovers over
those who love Him! - Pastor Sherri gives rich insights from
the Psalms into our intimate relationship with our loving God.
4:18-25| 1 Samuel 16 & 17-
Jesus Followers -
Pastor Kevin Hunter
continues the
journey through the Scriptures to see the depth of Jesus'
calling on our lives: not just as "believers" but as FOLLOWERS.
Come find out more.
07-04-2021 |
Join Pastors Kevin & Sherri Hunter
for celebration--first and foremost for Jesus and His redeeming
grace, and for this nation on America's 245th Birthday.
Let's re-dedicate ourselves and our nation to His service. |
06-27-2021 |
Christian Center on line welcomes Pastors David and Julianne
Kobelin as they share what Jesus has taught them from the
Scriptures in "Kindness,
The Key to a Progressive Vision" |
06-20-2021 |
Pastors Kevin &
Sherri welcome you to journey with them as we look at Psalm 107
and Mark 4. God Knows how
to help us through the storms of life. |
06-13-2021 |
Pastors Kevin & Sherri Hunter journey to Psalm 92--and invite
you to come with them as we learn
How to Flourish in the
Lord. (Be sure to have the elements of communion as Pastor
Joseph Guerra leads us in the sacrament.) |
06-06-2021 |
Guest Pastors - David & Julianne Kobelin. Jesus calls us on this
journey of trust with Him. He gives us His all, and asks that we
do the same--even when we aren't fully certain of the next
steps. We invite you to follow along, as we grow in
giving our ALL. |
05-30-2021 |
Pastors Kevin & Sherri Hunter invite you to journey with them to
Romans 8 as Paul gives us rich insights on walking in the Spirit
as adopted sons and daughters of the Lord.
Adopted by the Father. |
05-23-2021 |
Jesus promised He would send the Holy
Spirit--to be with us, convict, reprove, guide and lead us, and
to be our Comforter. Let's see how the early church was birthed
on the Day of Pentecost--when the Holy Spirit was poured out
powerfully. He's STILL
moving today! |
05-16-2021 |
Welcome to Grace Christian Center on line. This morning we
journey with Dr. Daryl Merrill of Christian Life Church in Mt.
Prospect, IL--and we
learn how to praise Him, to give thanks, to not be afraid, and
to REJOICE as we follow Jesus. We invite you to enjoy this
journey with us. |
05-09-2021 |
We invite you on this journey of faith as we follow Peter to
Cornelius' house--and God does a
welcome Jesus to do a new thing in us today! |
05-02-2021 |
Kevin & Sherri Hunter invite you to journey with them to Psalm
22 & then to Acts 8 as we see Philip led, anointed by, and
obedient to the direction of the Holy Spirit. When we obey His
leadings we can also experience
Interventions and see Jesus change lives today. Come find
out more. |
04-25-2021 |
Jesus is the Good Shepherd, the Door, and The Word. As we turn
to John 10, He shows us as followers of Jesus how to hear Him
better. Pastors Kevin & Sherri invite you to journey with us in
Hearing the Shepherd's
Voice . |
04-18-2021 |
As followers of Jesus, He wants us to be
Door Openers.
Following His resurrection, He helps His disciples to come out
from behind locked doors, to minister repentance and
forgiveness--messages our world needs today.
04-11-2021 |
( Note the volume is very
low on this video,adjust locally as necessary.)
After Jesus' resurrection, His disciples were locked behind
closed doors. Jesus appears, ministers to their fears with peace
and helps Thomas overcome His doubts. He sees you and me, and
knows exactly how to help us in our questions and needs. Come
journey with Pastors Kevin & Sherri Hunter as we learn about
Burning Bushes. |
04-04-2021 |
Easter Sunday -
Pastors Kevin & Sherri Hunter invite you to journey with us as
celebrate Jesus' resurrection, following His
crucifixion. Why did He do this? For you and me. Come find out
more, in this Easter service of Grace Christian Center. |
04-02-2021 |
Good Friday - Pastors Kevin & Sherri Hunter & Grace Christian
Center on line invites you to accompany Jesus to the Cross to
see all that He bore for you. Why? Because that's how much God
loves you. This is He
Bore My Cross. |
03-28-2021 |
Palm Sunday - Pastors Kevin & Sherri Hunter invite you to journey with them, as
Jesus enters Jerusalem and begins this
Passion Holy week
that leads to a cross--His death, burial, and resurrection. As
we follow Him, our lives are transformed in thanksgiving for all
that He has done for us.
03-21-2021 |
Grace Christian Center welcomes you to journey with us
into a rich time in the presence of Jesus.
Pastor Sherri Hunter
inspires us in worship with insights from the Psalms. Pastor
Kari Vance shares her heart about the Children of Prisoners.
Pastor Phil Vance passionately preaches about Following Jesus. |
03-14-2021 |
Life Starts Now -
Pastor Kevin opens the Sacred Text to John 3 to see Jesus in
ministry to Nicodemus--and how it relates to our lives today! |
03-07-2021 |
The Fathers House -
John 12:13:22 -
Pastors Kevin and Sherri Hunter |
02-28-2021 |
Psalm 22;2 -
Pastor Sherri Hunter |
Nicene Creed and William
Seymour |
Follow The
- Mark 8:31-38
Pastor Kevin Hunter
02-21-2021 |
Pastors Kevin &
Sherri Hunter invite you to come with them as they journey on in
the Word of God. Pastor Sherri shares rich insights from Psalm
25. Pastor Kevin takes us to 2 Timothy 4 to read, hear, and
apply some of the last written words of Paul.
Always Be Ready
02-14-2021 |
Pastors Kevin & Sherri Hunter continue to journey with Jesus in
the Sacred Text. Pastor Sherri brings insights from Psalm 50 to
lead us into worship. Pastor Kevin invites you to come with him to Mark 8 and 9, where We
See Jesus |
02-07-2021 |
Pastor Sherri leads us to a heart of
worship with insights from Psalm 147. Pastor Kevin continues to
journey with Jesus in the Sacred Text--as we see Jesus minister
to the crowds, to the gathering of Disciples and Family, and to
each of us as individuals.
Them to Us to Me. We invite you to join us for the journey.
01-31-2021 |
Psalm 111:4 - Pastor Sherri Hunter Click
here for the full service video) |
Send Him Away or Bring Him Close
- John 20:27-28
Pastor Kevin Hunter
01-24-2021 |
Psalm 62:6 - Pastor Sherri Hunter |
Jonah's Journeys
Pastor Kevin Hunter
01-17-2021 |
Psalm 139:14 - Pastor Sherri Hunter |
Hung Up, Hang Out and
Called - Psalm 139:17-18
Pastor Kevin Hunter
01-10-2021 |
Psalm 29 - Pastor Sherri Hunter |
Hear His
- Joshua 24:15b
Pastor Kevin Hunter
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