
Messages - 2010

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12-26-10 A Psalm for Living  - Psalms 1:1 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

12-19-10 Isaiah 60:1-3 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Merry Christmas - You Can See Him, Too.  - Mat 5:3-11 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

12-12-10 Isaiah 50:10 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Emanuel Knows You - Isaiah 9:6 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

12-05-10 Isaiah 45:21-25  - Pastor Sherri Barden
  God Shows Up - Isaiah 9:6 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

11-28-10 Psalms 150  - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Wisdom From Above - Part 7 - James 3 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

11-21-10 Psalms 144  - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Thanksgiving Changes Things  - Psalm 100 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

10-14-10 Psalms 138:1-3  - Pastor Sherri Barden
  "Prove It"  - Part 6 - James 2:14-26 Pastor Kevin Hunter 

11-07-10 Psalms 132:13-18 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Comments - Pastor Karl Barden
  Our God of Miracles - Pastors Tony & Janet Alward

10-31-10 Psalms 126 - Pastor Sherri Barden
   The Real Deal - Part 5 - James 2:1-13 Pastor Kevin Hunter 

10-24-10  1 John 2:18-21 - Julie Ann Kobelin
   Practical Process - Psalms 37:3-5  - Pastor David Kobelin

10-17-10  A Heavenly Perspective - Matthew 6:19-24 - Pastor David Kobelin

10-10-10  Isaiah 25:1- Pastor Sherri Barden
   The Implanted Word - Part 4 - James 1:19-27 Pastor Kevin Hunter 

10-03-10 Jeremiah - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Understanding and Overcoming Temptation - Part 3 - James 1:9-18 Pastor Kevin Hunter 

09-28-10 Marilyn Lee Memorial Service - Pastor Kevin Hunter (music removed)

09-26-10 Isaiah 13 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Integrity or Hyprocrisy - Pastor Karl Barden 

09-19-10 Psalm 23 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  The More Perfect Way - 1 Cor 13:12 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

09-12-10 Psalm 122:1 - Pastor Sherri Barden
   James - A Living Faith - Part 2 - James1:5-8 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

09-05-10 Psalm 119:130 - Pastor Sherri Barden
   A Living Faith - Part 1 - James1:1-8 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

08-29-10 Psalm 119:33-38 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  The Best is Yet to Come - Numbers 14:21 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

08-22-10 Psalm 116:12-19 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Hezekiah Sets His Heart - 2 Chronicles: 29-32 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

08-15-10 Psalm 110:3 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  You're Part of Something Big - Genesis 1: 26-28,31 Pastor Kevin Hunter 

08-08-10 Psalm 106:1 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Do You Know? - Luke 4:18 - Pastor Karl Barden 

08-01-10 See Part 8 details down in Book of Ruth Series for this date.

07-25-10 See Part 7 details down in Book of Ruth Series for this date.

07-18-10 See Part 6 details down in Book of Ruth Series for this date.

07-11-10 See Part 5 details down in Book of Ruth Series for this date.

06-06-10  What Price Freedom? - 4th of July Message - Luke 4:18 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

The Book of Ruth Series

08-01-10  Psalm 102:12 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  The Redeemed Gets a New Day -  Part 8 - Ruth 4:10-22 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

07-25-10  Psalm 96 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Ruth's Kinsman Redeemer ) -  Part 7 - Ruth 4:1-10 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

07-18-10 Song of Solomon 4:10 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Ruth's Kinsman Redeemer  -  Part 6 - Ruth 3:11-18 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

07-11-10 Isaiah 9:6 - Pastor Sherri Barden
   A Proposal -  Part 5 - Ruth 2 & 3 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

06-27-10 Psalm 92:1-5 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Stay in the Field -  Part 4 - Ruth 2: 14-23 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

06-20-10 Psalm 87:7 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Led by God - Part 3 - Ruth 2 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

06-13-10  Psalm 71:1-10 - Pastor Sherri Barden
   Naomi's Broken Heart- Part 2 - Ruth 1:19-22 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

06-06-10  Indescribable Grace - Part 1 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

06-27-10 Psalm 92:1-5 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Stay in the Field - The Book of Ruth - Part 4 - Ruth 2: 14-23 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

06-20-10 Psalm 87:7 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Lead by God - The Book of Ruth - Part 3 - Ruth 2 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

06-13-10  Psalm 71:1-10 - Pastor Sherri Barden
   Naomi's Broken Heart- The Book of Ruth - Part 2 - Ruth 1:19-22 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

06-06-10  Indescribable Grace, The Book of Ruth - Part 1 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

05-30-10  Proverbs 30:5 - Pastor Sherri Barden
   Memorial Day - John 15:13 - Pastor Kevin Hunter View this Video after message.

05-23-10  Proverbs 27:9, Psalm 73:28 - Pastor Sherri Barden
   Pentecost Sunday - Luke 24:9, Acts 2:1-8 -  Pastor Kevin Hunter    

05-16-10  Romans 16:25-27 - Pastor Sherri Barden
   Praise Him Anyway - Part 2 - 2 Cor 20 -  Pastor Kevin Hunter    

05-09-10 Romans 4:25  - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Praise Him Anyway - Part 1 - 2 Cor 20:1-30 -  Pastor Kevin Hunter    

05-02-10   Psalm 71:23-24 - Pastor Sherri Barden
   Spiritual Gifts: Gift of Faith - 1 Cor 12 -  Pastor Kevin Hunter    

04-25-10  Psalm 67 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Spiritual Gifts: The Vocal Gifts of Prophecy - 1 Cor 12 -  Pastor Kevin Hunter    

04-18-10  Psalm 61:1-8 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Joshua Leads the People to Shechem - Joshua 24 -  Pastor Kevin Hunter    

04-11-10 Psalm 55 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  "Attention, Understanding and Joy"- Nehemiah 8:1-18 Pastor Kevin Hunter    

04-04-10 Luke 24:27 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  "Good News! Great News!"- Easter Sunday - Mark 16 Pastor Kevin Hunter    

04-02-10 Community Good Friday Service - Pastor Kevin Hunter- Opening,     Pastor Karl Barden - Scripture,      Pastor Dennis LaMance - Main Message,      Pastor Kevin Hunter - Closing.

03-28-10 Zech 9:9 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  While We were Enemies - Palm Sunday - Romans 5:6-10 Pastor Kevin Hunter    

03-21-10 Psalm 37: 4-5 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Spiritual Gifts: Speaking in Tongues (Side 2) - Part 15 -  Gifts of the Spirit
1 Cor 12-14 -  Pastor Kevin Hunter    

03-14-10 Psalm 35: 1-3 - Pastor Sherri Barden

  Spiritual Gifts: Speaking in Tongues (Side 1) - Part 15 -  Gifts of the Spirit
1 Cor 12-14 -  Pastor Kevin Hunter                    Download handout here ->

03-07-10 Psalm 27: 4,5 & 7 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  Death, Burial & Resurrection of Jesus -  Pastor Ward Correll

02-28-10 Proverbs 16:24 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  Revelation GiftsPart 14 -  Gifts of the Spirit  1 Cor 12:8 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

02-21-10 Missions Report - Part 2 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  Proverbs 13 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  Gifts of the Spirit are to Edify  Part 13 -  Gifts of the Spirit  - 1 Cor 12-14 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

02-14-10 Three Powerful Words - Genesis 1 - Pastor David Kobelin

02-07-10 Missions Report - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  Proverbs 1:20-23 - Pastor Sherri Barden 
  Kings & PriestsExodus 29-34 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

01-24-10 Proverbs 1:20-23 - Pastor Sherri Barden 

What's in a Name?Exodus 3-6 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

01-24-10 Psalm 19:7-14 - Pastor Sherri Barden 

Don't Limit GODMark 6-9 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

01-17-10 Psalm 15:1-5 - Pastor Sherri Barden 

Jacobs Wrestles With GODGenesis 32-35 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

01-10-10 Psalm 9:1-2 - Pastor Sherri Barden 

Abrahams Covenant Keeping KeysHebrews 11:8-19 NKJV - Pastor Kevin Hunter

01-03-10 Psalm 3:3-4 - Pastor Sherri Barden 


Decision Time - Joel 3:14 - Pastor Kevin Hunter [ Open this image first -> ]

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