
Messages - 2011

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12-25-11 Messy Miracles - Christmas Day - Part 3 - Luke 2:1-17 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

12-24-11 Christmas Eve Program

12-19-11 Psalm 138:1-5 - Pastor Sherri Barden
Move Toward Your Miracle - Part 2 - Matt 2: 8-18 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

12-12-11 Psalm 130: 3-4 - Pastor Sherri Barden
Communion Service - Pastor Sherri Barden
Move Toward Your Miracle - Part 1 - Luke 2 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

12-04-11  Psalm 123:1-4 - Pastor Sherri Barden
Daniel Provides a Pattern - (Living on Display, Part 2) - Daniel 2 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

11-27-11 Psalm 119:103-105 - Pastor Sherri Barden
Living on Display - (Living on Display, Part 1) - Daniel 1 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

11-20-11 Psalm 118:24-29 - Pastor Sherri Barden
"Words of Life - They Begin with Giving Thanks" - Psalm 100:1-5 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

11-13-11 Psalm 111:1-4 - Pastor Sherri Barden
Hold Fast - Hebrews 10:19-25 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

11-06-11 Psalm 106:1-5 - Pastor Sherri Barden
The God of All Comfort - 2 Cor 1:3-7 - Pastor Karl Barden 

10-30-11 Psalm 102:18 - Pastor Sherri Barden
Feast of Tabernacles (Part 3) - Feasts of the Lord - Part 10 - Zak 14 & Rev 7,21,22 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

10-23-11 Psalm 92:1,13-15 - Pastor Sherri Barden
Feast of Tabernacles (Part 2) - Feasts of the Lord - Part 9 - Leviticus 27-32- Pastor Kevin Hunter

10-16-11 Feast of Tabernacles (Part 1) - Feasts of the Lord - Part 8 - Leviticus 23 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

10-09-11 Psalm 79 - Pastor Sherri Barden
Communion Service - Pastor Karl Barden 
Yom Kippur Atonement (Part 2) - Feasts of the Lord - Part 7 - Leviticus 27-32- Pastor Kevin Hunter

10-02-11 Psalm 73:28 - Pastor Sherri Barden
Yom Kippur Atonement (Part 1) - Feasts of the Lord - Part 6 - Leviticus 23 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

09-25-11 Psalm 68:19, 68:32-35, 73:28 - Pastor Sherri Barden
Feast of the Trumpets - Feasts of the Lord - Part 5 - Leviticus 23:23-24, Numbers 10 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

09-18-11 Psalm 62:8 - Pastor Sherri Barden
Pentecost - Feasts of the Lord - Part 4 - Leviticus 23:15-16, Acts 2:1-4 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

09-11-11 Unleavened Bread & Sheaf of First Fruits - Feasts of the Lord - Part 3 - Exodus 12:15-20 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

09-04-11 Psalm 48:1&14 - Pastor Sherri Barden
Watch and Be Ready - Part 3 ("Continued from a message series in March, 2011") - Psalm 83: - Pastor Kevin Hunter

08-28-11 Psalm 42:11- Pastor Sherri Barden
Passover - Feasts of the Lord  - Part 2 - Lev 17:11 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

08-21-11 Psalm 37: 1-2- Pastor Sherri Barden          Hebrew Feast Calendar ->
The Feasts of the Lord - Part 1 - Lev 23:1-2 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

08-14-11 Psalm 33:12-22 - Pastor Sherri Barden
Communion Service
Show us a Sign - Matt 12:38-42 - Pastor Karl Barden 

08-07-11  Know the Signs of the Times - 1 Chronicles 12: 32 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

07-31-11 Psalm 27:7-10 - Pastor Sherri Barden
Reconciled to Reign II - Romans 5:12-21 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

07-24-11 Psalm 18:46 -  Pastor Sherri Barden
Touchdown! Mark 1: 18-25 - Pastor Phil Vance

07-17-11 Psalm 13:5-6 - Pastor Sherri Barden
Reconciled to Reign I - Romans 5:1-11 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

07-10-11 Psalm 8:1 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Communion Service
The Transformational Church - Acts 26: 16-18 & 28-29 - Pastor Kevin Hunter


Psalm 150:6 - Pastor Sherri Barden
America, Come To Jesus - 2 Chron 7:13-15 -
Pastor Kevin Hunter
          Open this .pdf document to follow at the end of the service. - >>>

06-26-11 Psalm 143:10 - Pastor Sherri Barden
Contagious Victory - Gideon Part 6 - Judges 7-8 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

06-19-11 Fathers Day - Julie Ann Kobelin
  Moscow Testimony - Pastor David Kobelin
  Freedom - John 8: 31:36  - Pastor David Kobelin

06-12-11 Psalm 130:4  - Pastor Sherri Barden
  The Power of Pentacost - Joel 3, Acts 2:1-4 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

06-05-11 Psalm 123:1-4 - Pastor Sherri Barden
Fear Free Living - Gideon Part 5 - Judges 7:1-8 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

05-29-11 Psalm 119:105 - Pastor Sherri Barden
Gideon Meets Emmanual - Part 4 - Judges 6:25-40 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

05-22-11 Psalm 118:28-29  - Pastor Sherri Barden
What's On Your Mind - Gideon Part 3 - Judges 6:1-5 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

05-15-11 Psalm 111:1-10  - Pastor Sherri Barden
 My Testimony - Paolo Tellini - Missionary from Rome

05-08-11  Psalm 106:1  - Pastor Sherri Barden
Communion Service
Living Large - Gideon Part 2 - Judges 6:11-24 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

05-01-11 Psalm 103:1  - Pastor Sherri Barden
Gideon & Midian - Gideon Part 1 - Judges 6:1-11 Pastor Kevin Hunter 

04-14-11 Psalm 66:1-2- Pastor Sherri Barden
Easter Sunday Spread The News - Mark 16 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

04-17-11 Matt 21:11- Pastor Sherri Barden
Palm Sunday The Suffering Savior -  Isaiah 52:13-75, 53:1-12 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

04-10-11 Psalm 79:13 - Pastor Sherri Barden
The Six Trials of Jesus -John 18 & Luke 22-23 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

04-03-11 Psalm 75:9 - Pastor Sherri Barden
Mustard Seed Faith - Mark 4:30-5:1 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

03-27-11 Worship the Lamb - Matt 26:1-16 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

03-20-11 "BE" Ready - Part 2 - Matt 24:1-14 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

03-13-11 Communion Service
 "BE" Ready - Part 1 - Matt 24:1-14 - Pastor Kevin Hunter


03-6-11  Suffering? No Problem - Hebrew 11:13-36 - Pastor Ward Correll

02-27-11 Psalm 43:3-4 - Pastor Sherri Barden
   Staying Salty - Mark 9:49-50 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

02-20-11 Psalm 37:39-40 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  A Man Set Free - Mark 5:1-20 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

02-13-11 Psalm 34:1-5 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  The Secret Saint Breakthrough - Mat 27:57-60 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

02-06-11 Playing To Win - 1 Cor 9:24-27 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

01-30-11 Lead with Love - Part 10 - James 5 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

01-23-11 Life is a Breath - Part 9 - James 4:11-17 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

01-16-11 Psalms 13:5-6 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Humble Yourselves - Part 8 - James 4:1-10 Pastor Kevin Hunter 

01-09-11 Psalms 9:1-2 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Communion Service
Truth or Consequences  - Hebrew 10:23-25 - Pastor Kevin Hunter

01-02-11 Psalms 2:11-12 - Pastor Sherri Barden
  Daniel's Prayer  - Daniel 9 - Pastor Kevin Hunter 

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